It is always great to get involved with this festival. The Largest medieval festival in Europe and its quite a spectacle. My work has involved working with local school groups and adult community groups to make costumes and props for the parade. The parade takes place on the Sunday of the festival, through the town. All are encouraged to join in and the streets are filled with dragons and jugglers, knights and peasants. I work with group to teach them about the Battle of Tewkesbury and who was involved, we then design and make props and costumes they use within the parade. Every group is different with a different set of skills and ideas of what they would like to make. From Trebuchets made from scrap materials, to a model of the Abbey, banners to represent the knights at the battle and costumes to wear as plague victims. Some years there have been groups who wish to participle in other ways, so one group worked to make decorations to fill the children craft tent, another made a film, interviewing the re-enactors. Each year brings a whole new level of creativity.